You know the Red Wedding episode of Game of Thrones? My innards are the Starks, the Lannisters are the knives.

Thinking back, I was plagued by mystery abdominal pains during my teens and the cause was never diagnosed. I remember when I first saw my gynaecologist and she asked me how long I had been having my problems. I estimated a couple of years but she very sagely said that I had probably been experiencing them a lot longer than that. There were tears. I had external and internal ultrasounds that didn't show anything but I was told that Endometriosis doesn't usually show up in them but I suppose they were ruling out other things, because the fun thing about diagnosing Endometriosis, it can only be properly diagnosed by Laparoscopy. Anyway, the symptoms of Endometriosis are...many, and like a lot of symptoms, they can be for lots of conditions making diagnosis a long and pesky process. My symptoms include:
Severe pelvic pain
Lower back pain
Chronic fatigue/brain fog
Digestive problems
Painful sexy time

I was diagnosed via laparoscopy. You may know it by the term key hole surgery. A small telescope is inserted to have a close up look at the internal tissue. When my gynaecologist found traces of Endometriosis, she lasered the offending tissue. This doesn't stop Endometriosis though. During my second laparoscopy, my PVCS was diagnosed. They also found polyps (tissue growths) in my uterus which resulted in a D&C (Dilation and Curettage). Basically, they were scraped out with a spoon.

During my second procedure I also had a Mirena Coil inserted into my uterus. This little hammerhead shark looking device releases a hormone called Progestogen and this is supposed to help make my Endometriosis symptoms less angry. Other drugs in my arsenal include Amitriptyline, Codeine and oral Morphine.
I used to take Mefenamic Acid which is a powerful anti-inflammatory but even with a stomach protecting medicine (Lansoprazole) my digestive system would not be fooled and would engage washing machine spin mode and I decided it wasn't worth the hassle. Join me for my next post where I will introduce you to Henning!
Thank you for sharing. So much solidarity and recognition for what you experience and really great to be talking about this and raising more awareness of what we have to deal with. 💪 xx