A quick update on the Sleep Wars, since my last post things have gotten better. Although it was only a couple of days after my last post that I'd had another fitful night and ended up logging on for work at 4am after admitting defeat.
I'm very grateful that I have managers that are supportive and allow me flexibility to change my hours as needed. I try not to do it very often, but it's so helpful to know I have that option.
I finished work that day earlier because of my earlier start and I had a great sleep that night and it did wonders for my overall mood.
I also had a lovely call from my previous boss who just wanted to check in on how I was. It honestly means a lot.
With battling in the Sleep Wars and just general me-ness, it took me a few weeks to get my act together and get myself to the women's hospital for some blood tests the consultant wanted me to get.
I'd never been there before but thankfully found where I needed to be quite easily and I wasn't waiting too long for my blood to be taken.
I made the mistake of not having anything to eat all day and going straight out after work for a hair cut and then my blood tests so I was feeling a bit woozy by the time I got home.
A couple of hours later while I was watching TV and I started getting blurred/smudged vision which is my early warning of a migraine attack so I took a codeine to pre-empt the pain and went to bed. Thankfully, the codeine did take the edge off when the headache landed but I was very unimpressed with myself for creating the environment for a migraine attack in the first place.
That was a couple of weeks ago. I haven't had the blood test results yet but it will be interesting to see if my HRT prescription needs to change at all.
Speaking of, I was getting to the end of my last box of patches so I spoke to my lovely GP and after confirming that I had hot my coil replaced, she put through my prescription for another year's worth. It's always a relief when I have a decent supply.
It was our 12th wedding anniversary on the 24th which was nice. We went out to our local pub for a meal and some prosecco and watched a film in the evening.
One thing that I noticed and made me feel a little sad, was that when I was looking back on our wedding photos I found myself approaching them through the lens of my conditions. Like, I was thinking how at no point did I have any memory of feeling too hot or flushed or uncomfortable. That is just wild to me now.
The last few weeks have been caught up with my clearing out project and prepping for our annual Hallowe'en party. It's always satisfying to see all the decorations up and putting the gift bags together.
Getting the house ready for our party is a bit of a mission but we had my brother to help us out and it really made a difference.
The party was great fun and the costumes were amazing.
I'm grateful that I've had time booked off work as I've been feeling customarily broken but we have somehow managed to be productive with De-Hallowe'ening the house and getting everything packed away and into the loft. I'm not back at work until Wednesday so rest and relaxation will the order of things. I haven't done as much spooky reading as I would have liked to so I'm looking forward to catching up. There will be blankets, cat cuddles and cups of tea in my future.
