Okay, it more than likely won't, but since you're here, why not stay for a few minutes and take a journey through my never nethers?
Back in February, I went to get my Mirena Coil replaced. In my post at the time, I explained that I had a coil to help manage my Endometriosis. It's also wise to have a balance of progesterone when taking Estradiol HRT.
I've been waiting since that thwarted attempt to locate the strings to the coil for an ultrasound scan to confirm the presence of Schrodinger's Coil.

I've had ultrasound scans before in my diagnosis journey for Endometriosis so I wasn't anxious about the procedure or even if the coil was there or not. If it was there, it means a procedure to get it out and then the usual procedure for fitting. Or, it wasn't there which means just installing a new one.

Today was the day. My only anxiety about it was the location. Only because of my appalling sense of direction, or lack thereof. I get very easily turned around in unfamiliar places.
I did what I could though. I checked it out on Streetview so I knew which entrance I needed to be at and where the taxi should drop me. I knew which floor I needed to go to and seen photos of the inside of the building.
It was fine. I got where I needed to be. In typical fashion, I was lead by my anxiety so I was there over half an hour early but better early than late.
I had been told in advance of the appointment not to go for a wee at least two hours before the appointment and to chug two pints of water one hour before.
The nurse and ultrasound technician were both very nice. Put me at ease, explained everything that was going to happen. Confirmed I was there to check on Schrodinger's Coil.
The ultrasound of my womb took less than a minute and then I was sent off to evacuate my bladder ready for the vaginal ultrasound.
And so, without so much as buying me a drink first, I was laid out with my legs up and spread, ready for the lube and magic wand.
Whilst the technician was having a good rummage, she confirmed that Schrodinger's Coil was in fact still in situ.
I was then told the results would be sent to my GP and I was sent on my way after cleaning up all the gunk.

On Monday, I will make the call to rebook my replacement coil appointment and hopefully that will be sorted without further complications and I can forget about it for another five years.
My only slight concern during the scan was the fact that the vaginal ultrasound took about three times as long as the pelvic one. The technician only confirmed the status of the coil, if they found anything else I don't think they would be allowed or qualified to say, so even though I got the answer I went there for, I will still call the GP in about ten days.
I'm sure the "the results will be sent to your GP and you will need to call for the results" is just a stock response, but I have hyperactive brain weasels and anxiety demons that need exorcising on the regular so you can imagine where they're trying to take me.
Regardless I'm glad this appointment is over with and hopefully I won't have to wait too long to get my replacement coil sorted out.