My blog posts have been a bit sporadic of late. I had gotten into a nice routine of posting a new one every Friday and ended up feeling a little trapped by my own arbitrary rules.
I mentioned the Life Stuff in my previous post that had been taking up mental space. To the point where they have felt like zombies munching on my much needed brain capacity.
I said on Twitter yesterday that I wasn't going to be posting anything new this week, and that was still the case until a few minutes ago.
I broke up for my 19 day holiday yesterday. It was the usual mad rush of getting things off my desk so I stayed for an extra couple of hours, but it was worth it to be able to log off with nothing hanging over me.
Unfortunately, I had to stay in bed a lot longer than I wanted to today. I had good intentions of making a start on the house work in preparation for the Hallowe'en decorating, but after posting off some Hallowe'en cards and cleaning the cats' litter trays, I'm now under a blanket on the sofa with a dull headache so that's being put off to tomorrow. I'm not going to beat myself up about it.
Health-wise, there's not a great deal to report. I haven't heard from the women's hospital for my appointment yet. I have been doing my usual half-hearted battle with chronic fatigue, that's my normal.
Things are moving along with the mortgage transfer bureaucracy from the solicitors, and we have a new kitchen unit to replace the fallen one which is hopefully going to be put up next week along with the replacement of the kitchen and bathroom sink taps. It would be good for all that to be done before our Hallowe'en spooktacular party next weekend.

We're usually a lot more organised for our annual party. It's our favourite part of the year and it's always brilliant to see the house all spookified, my Hallowe’en playlist is 40+ hours long and I love curating it, as well as my slideshow of Hallowe'en themed art that plays on the television.
My husband puts so much time and effort into the quiz, which includes personalised trailers of our guests. Our friends put an amazing amount of effort into their costumes and I love making up Trick or Treat bags or hampers for them.

This year, with everything going on, we've been behind on everything. We're getting on top of things though, I just have to be careful about not overdoing it and not feeling buried.

I'm hugely looking forward to seeing our wonderful friends, and when we're not in party mood, I'm going to be cosied up with horror films and spooky books. I'm hoping to be mobile enough to take a couple of autumnal walks. I adore autumn and miss not getting out into the parks to enjoy it.

Part of it is being in pain or getting hot flushes, and a lot of it is fear of those things that probably form a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I will muddle through. It's not the most efficient way but it's the only way I have and you know what? It will do.