In the continuing adventures of trying to understand and placate my temperamental body...
I had booked off the two days around the Easter public holidays as we had my brother visiting us from Nottingham.
It was a lovely few days of indulgence. Had a nice pub lunch one afternoon, a Sunday roast, and we watched lots of films and played lots of games. There was also much food and drink.
My brother went home yesterday. We had all had a great time but I think in our own ways we all felt a bit like our bodies don't cope with over indulging like they used to.

It's all about maintaining a very careful balance with my body. My days mostly follow the same pattern so whenever that is interrupted, whether for fun reasons or not, my body will have something say about it, usually in the form of broken sleep, headaches, digestive dancing and pelvic screaming.

After being overtired like a toddler yesterday and wishing I had booked an extra day's holiday, I went to bed early last night. Despite being exhausted, I couldn't sleep. I eventually managed and woke up half an hour before my alarm.
Denser than usual chronic fatigue brain fog and lead weight sensation followed my waking so I logged onto work to check if I had any meetings or urgent work to deal with. Emailed my boss to explain and booked today as holiday.

I also emailed some team members, adjusted my out of office, shut my laptop down.
Was I able to get back to sleep?
Of course not.

Not right away, anyway. I stayed in bed though and read for a bit until I managed to drift on and got some solid sleep until noon.
In other news, I spoke to the GP recently to discuss getting referred back to a gynaecologist through my health insurance that is a benefit at my work. The referral letter came through today so I can take that forward now. I want to discuss the possibility of a hysterectomy. It may or may not benefit me but I want to at least have the conversation.
