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The Haunting

I've been in flare-up territory for a while. I've been hit with painsomnia which has given me a buzzy headache/tinnitus. It does feel...

Sleepy Hollow

Tonight, I watched Sleepy Hollow with my husband. We were talking about it the other day and as I hadn't seen it in years, and we had...

Immobilised by Miss Havisham

The thing with my chronic pain conditions is that often, it isn't the pain that immobilises me. I can cry, I can grump, I can work...

The Hennings

I hope everyone is coping as well as they can in this heat, particularly my perimenopausal/menopausal sisters. Speaking for myself, my...

So what is all the bloody fuss?

"Okay Louise, so what exactly are your chronic conditions?" Well, fictional person I'm so glad you asked! I will explain each condition...

Welcome to my uterus lining...

Too squicky?! A little intro about me... My name is Louise. Back in 2016 when the UK was tying itself up in knots over Brexit, my lady...

Blog: Blog2
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